The purpose of Primary Curriculum in SKEI is to help each and every child develop strong value systems while developing abilities to excel in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular domains. Our curriculum is uniquely designed to encourage heterogenous learners and help them understand that learning across all disciplines is interconnected. Flexible timetables give ample time for our children to learn through exploration. Children in our primary school develop abilities such as learning without boundaries and fear, respect and care for each other as well.
Primary School Grades in SKEI CBSE School start from 1st grade to 5th grade. The Primary School education in SKEI CBSE School is designed to help empower our children to take responsibility for their learning – academic as well as co-curricular. The Primary School curriculum emphasizes developing skills in listening, speaking, curiosity, creativity, inquiry, fostering friendships among schoolmates as well as nature that helps them to uniquely create their own knowledge. Therefore, at a young age itself, our children realize that all disciplines are interconnected and that learning is interdisciplinary! Our Primary School teachers play the role of facilitators to encourage the children while respecting the fact that each child learns in his/her unique way and pace.
Every section in our Primary School has their farmland wherein they learn and practice sustainable living practices such as Organic Farming that helps them to respect nature and coexist in harmony with it. Exposure to performing arts and sports helps them to develop a strong character, balance of mind and body through a strong relationship with sound, rhythm, body movement.